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Shadows of Prophecy: Eclipse Across America

Shadows of Prophecy: Eclipse Across America

America is set to experience a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th – just a few days away as I write this. We also experienced a Total Solar Eclipse 7 years ago, on August 21st 2017. There was also an Annular Eclipse that crossed Southwest USA on October 14th 2023. So what? Eclipses happen all the time, 4-7 times a year to be exact; and they happen all over the planet. What's the big deal?

What if I told you we are seeing major similarities to the Bur-Sagale Eclipse of 763 BC. What if I told you we are also seeing other new events that won't be repeated for thousands of years? What if I told you these are warning signs of cataclysmic events, written about in the Holy Bible? I tried my best to keep it in an easy-to-read format. So, before we talk about the upcoming eclipse, let’s lay it all out together; biblical, science, and conspiracies alike.

The Ancient Bur-Sagale Eclipse over Nineveh, Assyria

To start, lets go back to the ancient Assyrian Empire, circa 763 BC…

Bur-Sagale Eclipse of Nineveh, Assyria

We are all familiar with the story of Jonah and the Whale, right? Well, just a reminder, Jonah was a real person, he preached from 773 - 755 BC. The main story we see in The Bible is basically this: Jonah was called by God to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh, which at the time was considered the most wicked city of the known world.

Jonah 1:2Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness has come up before me.

However, he disobeyed, sailed in the opposite direction, was caught in a storm, and swallowed by a giant fish/whale. He was in the belly for 3 days, (symbolic of the 3 days Jesus spent in the tomb) upon which it spit Jonah out onto the shore. Regardless if this event was literal or figurative, Jonah felt spared by God, and decided to go to Nineveh.

Prophet Jonah and the Great Fish

He was commanded to tell the people of Nineveh to repent or be destroyed! The Bur-Sagale Eclipse, a Total Solar Eclipse, occurred just months before Jonah arrived, on the 28th of Shivan – crossing the entire Assyrian nation, including their capital city! By the time he arrived, it was the 1st of Elul – or the beginning of the month of repentance. This day is also a symbolic 40 day "warning" of the coming holy day Yom Kippur, the day of atonement.

Timeline of events from the eclipse, to Jonah arriving in Nineveh, to Yom Kippur.
Timeline of events from the eclipse, to Jonah arriving in Nineveh, to Yom Kippur.

Going back to ancient times, eclipses have always been perceived as warnings and bad omens from their deities. Specifically, solar eclipses are considered to be judgements against nations. At the time, Nineveh was already experiencing plagues, described as famine from 765 - 758 BC, a large earthquake in 760 BC, also fighting a civil revolt through much of this time.

Jonah 3:5 – So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.

Thus, the entire city, including their king, publicly showed remorse and regret for their lack of faith and repented! The culmination of these events was plenty of proof to the Assyrians that our God is real.

2017 Eclipse - Jonah's Sign of Repentance

The 2017 "Great American Eclipse" lined up amazingly with the Bur-Sagale eclipse. Symbolizing the arrival of Jonah to preach at Nineveh on the 1st of Elul, we have the eclipse ushering in the month of repentance. What better way to preach to an ENTIRE nation than through a sign visible across the entire nation itself?

Timeline of events from the eclipse, to Jonah arriving in Nineveh, to Yom Kippur.
Timeline of events from the eclipse, to the alignment, to Yom Kippur.

Another amazing sign happened September 23 2017 – a grand planetary alignment!

The Moon, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus, and more. It was written about in Revelation:

Revelation 12:1-6 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. And she being with child cried…  …and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, to devour her child as soon as it was born.

The woman is the Constellation Virgo, her crown is the Constellation Leo (which has 9 stars), plus Mercury, Mars, and Venus. And yes, the constellation was even pregnant! Directly beneath Virgo is Constellation Draco – the dragon ready to devour the child!

Revelation 12 - Virgo Births Jupiter & Grand Planetary Alignment

From our view, Jupiter would have entered the womb area of Virgo around November 2016, went into retrograde and circled around the womb, then exited September 23, 2017. This is a perfect 9-month gestational period, symbolic of the virgin birth of a great ruler!

So, what's the big deal? We see the moon "at her feet" very frequently, once a year. Jupiter performs this retrograde motion quite often, about every 11 years. But with Mercury, Mars, and Venus creating such an alignment – well that only happens once every 7,000 years!

Watch as Jupiter circles around for 9 months, then an alignment as it exits!
Watch as Jupiter circles around for 9 months, then an alignment as it exits!

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.

2024 Eclipse - Prophetic Echoes of Jonah

Scripturally, things that happen in two’s or that are mentioned twice in succession are considered to hold major emphasis. Such as the "double Amen" seen throughout the New Testament (Verily verily / Truly truly). So too do these double eclipses signify major emphasis of judgement and warning.

John 8:58 – Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

Now 7 years after the 2017 eclipse, we have another Total Solar Eclipse crossing the entire nation. Even more interesting, we see the April 8th eclipse taking place directly in front of the Constellation Pisces (The Fish), almost as if symbolic to Jonah being within the fish – or a whale, Constellation Cetus (The Whale) is right below as well!

The Eclipse directly in front of Picses, with Cetus below, and the alignment including a comet!
The Eclipse directly in front of Picses, with Cetus below, and the alignment including a comet!

As you can see, there will also be another grand planetary alignment! This time we have: Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and of course the Great Horned Comet (Pons-Brooks), all aligned.

Matthew 12:39An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall be no sign given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah.

What sign could the "Sign of the Prophet Jonah" possibly be? Are we looking for people to start getting eaten, and subsequently returned by large fish? No! I absolutely believe that the Sign of the Prophet Jonah are these eclipses. These are not your average eclipses.

Biblical Implications & Connections

The 2024 eclipse will be occurring on the 1st of Nisan – the month of Nisan itself is the first month of the Hebrew calendar, considered to be a time of redemption and divine favor. This marks the month the Hebrews were freed from Egypt, leading up to the Exodus, which is why we celebrate Passover on Nisan 15th. It was also said that Ezra left Babylon the first of Nisan to lead the Jews back to Jerusalem to see the Jewish temple rebuilt.

Red Heifers and the History of the Three Jewish Temples


The Para Adumah is the Zakat of the Torah
The Para Adumah is the Zakat of the Torah

The Red Heifer Prophecy, or "Para Adumah" as it is known in Hebrew, carries profound significance within Jewish religious tradition, delineating the meticulous criteria for a sacrifice pivotal to the purification and consecration process for constructing the new temple. The historical context of the Jewish temples further illuminates the anticipation surrounding the Third Temple's construction.

Numbers 19:2This is the ordinance of the law which the Lord hath commanded, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no blemish, and upon which never came yoke.

First Temple – Solomon’s Temple – destroyed by the Babylonians 586 BC

Second Temple – built by Herod during the time of Christ, destroyed by the Romans 70 AD

Third Temple – yet to be fulfilled and rebuilt, which will mark the 10th Para Adumah

Since then, the Jewish community has awaited the opportunity to rebuild, a desire spanning nearly two millennia. The Red Heifer ritual has only been performed nine times since the days of Moses roughly 3000 years ago, with the most recent account still being over 2000 years ago. This stands as a rare and deeply symbolic act, directly tied to the prospects of erecting the Third Temple, which would mark the 10th Para Adumah.

Artist Depiction of a Jewish Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem - Temple Mount
Artist Depiction of a Jewish Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem - Temple Mount

Revelation 11:1 – And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.

Interestingly, in the realm of numerology, the number 10 holds a significant place as it is often associated with completion, perfection, and a return to unity. This perception stems from the understanding that 10 combines the qualities of the number 1, which symbolizes leadership, pioneering spirit, and new beginnings, with those of the number 0, representing infinity, wholeness, and the infinite potential of the cosmos.

It's All Coming Together... After 2,000 Years!

In a contemporary twist, the narrative took an intriguing turn in September 2023 when a Texas cow breeder's shipment of five red heifers to The Temple Institute in Israel rekindled hope for the fulfillment of this ancient prophecy. Although one heifer was quickly deemed unsuitable, the remaining four have stirred significant interest and speculation about their potential role in the prophesied ritual.

This development occurred against a backdrop of heightened tensions across the entire world, spurring a declaration by Hamas aiming to undermine the ritual by targeting the heifers, thus adding layers of geopolitical intrigue and spiritual anticipation to the saga.

Rocket attacks between Israel and Hamas - October 2023
Rocket attacks between Israel and Hamas - October 2023

“[Our] intention [was] to destroy the red heifers in an attempt to thwart the Jewish ritual.”

Abu Obeida, Hamas Military Spokesperson.

Zechariah 12:2-3Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

The timeline leading to the ritual sacrifice is set, with considerations for either Passover (April 22-30) or Shavuot (June 11-13) 2024 coming up soon. They may even try to sneak it in on the First of Nisan, you know, the eclipse! A massive sacrificial altar was revealed March 31st 2024, positioned on land that Rabbi Yitshak Mamo purchased over a decade ago on the Mount of Olives – a site of profound historical and religious significance, which avoids contentious areas while symbolically overlooking the temple mount.

Israel revealed this massive sacrificial altar in March 2023
Israel revealed this massive sacrificial altar in March 2023

This strategic and respectful approach, coupled with the Temple Institute's contemplative stance on divine timing, reflects the deep intertwining of faith, history, and modern-day realities as the Jewish community navigates its ancient traditions in the modern world, awaiting signs and moments deemed auspicious by their lunar-based calendar.

Patterns of Prophecy - Tetrads & Jubilee Years

Matthew 24:36 – But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

So who knows if or when they will actually make the sacrifice, it seems everything is in order, but likely others will retaliate if the ritual is completed. We shall see how all this plays out! Here are some previous major events coinciding with special events and timings:

The 2014/2015 Tetrad - All Aligning With Jewish High Holy Days
The 2014/2015 Tetrad - All Aligning With Jewish High Holy Days

Blood Moon Tetrads on Jewish High Holy Days:

  • 162 AD: Roman war with Parthians (Marcus Aurelius & Antonine Plague)

  • 795 AD: Saxon war (King Charlemange & the Massacre of Verden)

  • 1492: Spanish Inquisition tightens their grip and expels Jews

  • 1949: Arab-Israeli War / Israel became a nation

  • 1967: Six-Day War in Israel & Recapturing of Jerusalem

  • 2014/15: ISIS & Hamas in Iraq & Syria / Ukrainian conflicts begin with Crimea

  • 2032/33: Said to mark the "2,000th anniversary of Christ's birth"

Timeline of Recent Jewish Triumphs & Jubilee Years Aligning with the Eclipse and Alignment
Timeline of Recent Jewish Triumphs & Jubilee Years Aligning with the Eclipse and Alignment

Significant Events in Jewish History Over the Past 120 Years:

  • 1897 (120 years before 2017): Theodore Herzl in Basel, Switzerland, is accredited with founding the modern Zionist movement.

  • 1917 (100 years before 2017): Balfour Declaration, a pivotal document in the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. A Jubilee Year

  • 1947 (70 years before 2017): UN General Assembly votes to create Israel & onset of the Arab-Israeli War.

  • 1967 (50 years before 2017): Jews regain control of their capital city, Jerusalem, in the Six-Day War. A Jubilee Year, 50 years after the 1917 Jubilee.

  • 2017: Marked by a Total Solar Eclipse on the First of Elul and rare astronomical phenomena mentioned in scripture. Considered a Jubilee year, 50 years after the 1967 Jubilee.

Now Time for the Critical Thinkers

First, we need to understand the Saros Cycle - it is a period of approximately 18 years, 11 days, and 8 hours that is used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Each Saros cycle is made up of numerous eclipses that occur at intervals of 18 years, 11 days, and 8 hours. The concept of the Saros Cycle has been known since ancient times, aiding in the early understanding and prediction of eclipse events.

  • 1811 Eclipse (America) – Saros Cycle 141 - massive 8.1 magnitude earthquake

Depiction of the 1811 Annular Eclipse over America

  • 1999 Eclipse (Turkey) - Saros Cycle 145 - severe 7.6 magnitude earthquake

  • 2006 Eclipse (Turkey) - Saros Cycle 139

Convergence of the eclipse paths over Turkey
Convergence of the eclipse paths over Turkey

  • 2017 Eclipse (America) - Saros Cycle 145

  • 2024 Eclipse (America) - Saros Cycle 139 - ???

Convergence of the eclipse paths over America
Convergence of the eclipse paths over America

  • 2053 Eclipse (Middle East) - Saros Cycle 145 - ???

  • 2060 Eclipse (Middle East) - Saros Cycle 139 - ???

Convergence of the eclipse paths over North Africa & Middle East
Convergence of the eclipse paths over North Africa & Middle East

We can see these same two Saros Cycles repeatedly making X's across multiple locales over the years, but the 1811 Eclipse is related for another reason, Getting to that soon...

Here are some more interesting tidbits to consider about these events:

  • 2017 eclipse passed over 7 cities named Salem – 7, a holy number

  • 2024 will pass over 6 cities in America named Nineveh – 6, an evil number

  • 2024 will also pass over 26 more cities named Salem, for a total of 33

  • 33 - representing the 33 years Christ lived on earth

  • The paths of the two eclipses will meet directly over Salem, KY (on Salem Road…)

Jerusalem / Salem / Zion - it means "peace" (salem) or "city of peace" (yireh-shalem)

Nineveh translates to "place of fish" or "place between the water" - another nod to Jonah?

Here's Where It Really Gets Interesting...

The intriguing alignment of eclipses over Turkey piqued my interest for a unique reason. These eclipses, originating from the same Saros Cycle as those we are observing now, converged over a historically significant location: Amasya, Turkey. This city, once a pivotal political and military hub within the Ottoman Empire – a lineage descending from Jacob's brother Esau – played a crucial role up until 1918, after their defeat in World War I.

Amasya, Turkey - a historically important city to the Ottoman Empire
Amasya, Turkey - a historically important city to the Ottoman Empire

The 2017 eclipse brought this ancient conflict into a contemporary light, casting its maximum totality over Jacob, IL – a town located in an area intriguingly nicknamed "Little Egypt." This locale is replete with symbolic names such as: Cairo, Egypt Lake, Devils Kitchen Lake, Giant’s City National Park, etc.. The coincidence between the town’s name and its biblical counterpart – Jacob, Esau's foe – adds a nice layer of irony!

Postcard from Little Egypt - Southern Illinois

Genesis 25:22-23 And the children [Esau & Jacob] struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to inquire of the LORD. And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

When considering the eschatological prophecies of Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39, these passages foretell an invasion of Israel led by Gog of Magog, culminating in eventual divine intervention that underscores God’s sovereignty. The strategic importance of Amasya lends itself to the prophecy concerning the Gog and Magog War, where Esau, the perennial adversary of Jacob (later known as Israel), is central to the narrative.

Map showing the named invading forces of the Gog and Magog War - with their Biblical titles
Map showing the named invading forces of the Gog and Magog War - with their Biblical titles

Further irony is observed in the speculated modern-day fulfillment of this prophecy, suggesting that nations like Russia, Iran, and Turkey might converge on Jerusalem, echoing historical strategies of conflict rooted in the very grounds of Amasya, Turkey. Perhaps the war-planning days of Amasya are not entirely over just quite yet...

Ezekiel 39:11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.

Further speculation is intertwined with the path of the 2024 eclipse, which is set to intersect over Salem, KY. Though eclipses do cause significant electromagnetic and temperature changes, there is no evidence to suggest that they are actually causing the earthquakes. However, Salem KY is directly above the New Madrid Fault Line, which caused the catastrophic 1811 earthquake just months after the 1811 eclipse.

The New Madrid Fault Line
The New Madrid Fault Line - underneath the Mississippi River bordering many states

This earthquake was so powerful it caused the Mississippi River to flow backwards, causing catastrophic flooding, and even caused the Liberty Bell to ring over 1,300 miles away! Much like this year, there was a comet visible during the eclipse, but a different comet named C/1811 F1 or "Tecumseh's Comet" - named for a Shawnee Indian Chief whose name translates to "Shooting Star" or literally "he who walks across the sky."

Drawing patterns from these celestial events, the crossing paths of the 2017 and 2023 eclipses form an obvious "X" or "Tav" – the last letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet.

Description of the evolution of the Hebrew alphabet

Then, by adding the path of the upcoming 2024 eclipse, it now resembles an "Aleph" (the first ancient Hebrew letter).

The last 3 American Eclipses from an Aleph

This alignment, suggesting the Alpha and Omega, presents a compelling narrative of divine orchestration, symbolizing a cycle of beginning and end, encapsulated within the tapestry of natural phenomena and ancient prophecies. Combined, these symbols are a sign of a great leader, or rather the judgement of great leaders...

Put Your Tin Foil Hats On - It's Getting Weird!

If that's not bad enough, during this year's eclipse, NASA is going to be conducting the second run of their Atmospheric Perturbations Around the Eclipse Path experiment, or APEP. This will investigate how that drop in sunlight and temperature affects Earth’s upper atmosphere & electromagnetic field. The first APEP experiment was conducted a few months ago in October 2023 during the last Annular Eclipse I mentioned earlier.

"To this end, [Aroh] Barjatya designed the APEP mission, choosing the acronym because it is also the name of the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, nemesis of the Sun deity Ra.” NASA Publication

Depiction of Ra, the noble Sun God battling with Apep, the evil Serpent Deity
Depiction of Ra, the noble Sun God battling with Apep, the evil Serpent Deity

Apep, short for Apophis, the Serpent Deity, who battled Ra daily to create the Day/Night cycle. Apep is also said to occasionally “devour the light to bring forth darkness” aka cause an eclipse. FYI – I have not been able to find any data from the first experiment, if it has even been released…

What’s the big deal? Well, lets explore some of the mystery around Egypt and the pyramids. According to Nikola Tesla, the pyramids were structures that generated, or rather harnessed free energy from the environment, and provided wireless energy for the entire region. While this has not been proven, there is much speculation about the materials used to construct them as being perfect for such an application. The limestone exterior acts as a great insulator, and the interior is lined with granite rich with quartz. Just a little interaction with some metal, like iron or copper and bam, you have yourself a piezoelectric generator!

Depiction of the pyramids harvesting Zero-Point Energy from the earth naturally
Depiction of the pyramids harvesting Zero-Point Energy from the earth naturally

There have also been multiple artifacts found, such as the Bagdad battery that reinforce these shocking claims. In fact, looking at ancient structures in general, it seems they were all designed to harness this free energy, even mimicking various computer chip designs of modern day! Ever wonder why church dual towers are often asymmetrical? Cathode & anode! Is there something they aren’t telling us about our ionosphere? Imagine the implications of not only wireless energy, but FREE energy…

Ancient structures resembling modern electrical devices, including computer chips!
Ancient structures resembling modern electrical devices, including computer chips!

In 1905, Nikola Tesla filed a patent in the U.S. titled, "The Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Medium." This outlined designs for a series of generators around the world which would tap the ionosphere for energy collections. He then built a tower facility, both in Colorado Springs, CO and Long Island, NY that sought to take advantage of the earth's energy field. He mapped these energy fields after research into the inner workings of the pyramids, and before they were fully discovered Tesla knew there would likely by pyramid structures all over the earth.

Move Over NASA, CERN Wants To Play Too!

Speaking of experiments during the eclipse on April 8th – CERN has announced it will come back online after a 2 year break… on April 8th during the solar eclipse. They will be performing the first experiment during an eclipse, looking for dark matter. It’s worth noting, the eclipse will not be viewable from Europe, where CERN is located.

Something people find conCERNing, is the the opening ceremony for the newest CERN facility (Gotthard Tunnel) was christened with odd and scary events, including a fake human sacrifice. Below is a shortened version, understand while it appears odd to us, these people are of Luciferian / Satanic influence, and this is a very normal and enjoyable performance to them. They are proud of their beliefs, and showcase it publicly.

Another thing many people find conCERNing is their logo, which can easily be symbolic of the 666 number of the beast. It is, of course, just a schematic showing the overall design and layout of the LHC - esoteric symbols are never hidden in logos... CERN also hosts a statue of the Indian God Shiva, the God of Chaos & Destruction – though it is said to be performing the Nataraj dance, or “dance of life force” on top of Apasmara, the demon of ignorance, which is symbolic to their belief that Shiva danced the universe into creation, dances to motivate it, and will eventually stop dancing and extinguish all life. 

CERN logo creating a 666 - and the Statue of Shiva
CERN logo creating a 666 - and the Statue of Shiva

So, what’s the big deal? Well, if you haven’t heard of Mandela Effects, get ready to question your reality! Many claim that CERN is responsible for creating multiple Mandela Effects, a phenomenon where a large number of people remember an event or detail differently from how it "actually" occurred.

Mandela Effects - What's That?

Oscar Meyer vs Oscar Mayer Mandela Effect
How many of you just sang the song? How did you spell it?

The term "Mandela Effect" was coined by Fiona Broome, a paranormal researcher, after she discovered that she, along with many others, falsely remembered Nelson Mandela dying in the 1980s in prison, when in fact he passed away in 2013, after having served as President of South Africa. This is generally just dismissed as people misremembering things.

However, there are multiple other phenomenon people have shared, some being much harder to discredit. Here are two personal ones to me:

  • The old children’s book & cartoon series, “The Berenstein Bears” is apparently “The Berenstain Bears” and always has been. Some attribute this to the cursive text used for their logo, but as an advanced reader, a boy raised Jewish, and having a local lawyer by the name of Sam Berenstein, I had a lot to identify with!

Berenstein vs Berenstain Bears Mandela Effect

  • Likewise, the Fruit of the Loom logo; many people remember the fruit being in a cornucopia, but apparently it never was. I also remember this, as I grew up actually having a cornucopia, and often attempted to remake the logo that I saw on my underwear as a child. So, to say the logo never included a cornucopia is absurd, but apparently true!

Fruit of the Loom Logo - Cornucopia vs Just Fruit

The conspiracy is that when CERN first turned on in 2008, it started affecting our reality, merging and shifting our timeline with other parallel universes. Others also point to the Mayan calendar that ended in 2012 and CERN discovering the Higgs boson in 2012, stating that reality ended, and now we are in a different reality that didn't end - or the Age of the Jaguar according to the Mayan calendar now. There is no evidence of this other than the cognitive dissonance felt by people remembering things so differently & so strongly.

Here are Some of the Most Frequently Mentioned Mandela Effects:

  • "Luke, I am your father": This misquote from "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" is often cited. The actual line is, "No, I am your father."

  • Pikachu’s Tail: Many remember Pikachu from Pokémon having a black tip at the end of its tail, but it’s all yellow.

Pikachu Black Tail Tip Mandela Effect

  • "We Are the Champions" by Queen: Some people remember the song ending with the phrase "of the world," but in the official version, the song fades out without it.

  • Mona Lisa's Smile: Once the topic of heated debate - whether she was glaring in contempt or on the verge of smirking. Well, it's clearly always been a smile.

Mona Lisa Smile vs Smirk Mandela Effect

  • The Location of New Zealand: Some people remember New Zealand being northeast of Australia, instead of southeast.

  • Curious George's Tail: While most of us remember George with a tail, apparently the beloved children's books have always depicted George with no tail... curious!

Curious George Tail vs No Tail Mandela Effect

Are there any of those that struck a nerve with you? There are plenty more too, it's very odd!

Spoiler Alert - The World Is Ending?

They now speculate that between CERN restarting, NASA perturbation rockets, and the eclipse that “they” are trying to open a portal to another dimension, through which to call forth demons and beings of power to aid them on their scientific (and godless) quest. Much like the Nazis and Vril Society did before and during World War 2 – and then Operation Paperclip brought all those devil-worshiping satanists, oops I mean scientists to America to found NASA!

Another Fun Fact: European Council for Nuclear Research, shouldn't they call it "ECNR?" Well, CERN actually does stand for European Council for Nuclear Research, but in French! Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire. CERN is also a shortened version of the Gaelic God Cernunnos, one of the most mysterious deities, known as a god of nature, life, death, and rebirth - the Celtic identity for Saturn, known to the Greeks as Pan.

Cernunnos The Horned Man, Green Man, Pan, Lucifer

It’s said that to summon Cernunnos, you need to bury a circle in the ground, and call it forth through that buried portal. The ring has always been a symbol of the god Saturn, even before the planet’s rings were discovered by telescope. For this reason, the ring is invariably used in practical summoning rites of Thelemic magick as a portal to invoke spiritual entities. Notice the phases of the moon and the serpent (Apep) he holds...

TD; DR - So Let's Recap All That

Using signs and scripture to compare current day events to historical and biblical events, I believe the 2017 Great American Eclipse was a warning sign for America to repent and move away from their sins. Regardless of the reason, I think we all agree the world has become even more wicked and tumultuous in the past 7 years. I believe the coming Great North American Eclipse is a sign of judgement for those who have ignored the gospel.

Is NASA exploding rockets in the ionosphere so CERN can activate a portal to other dimensions?
Is NASA exploding rockets in the ionosphere so CERN can activate a portal to other dimensions?

Then have NASA shooting rockets into the ionosphere and CERN looking for dark matter, and all these things are happening at the same exact moment. Is there something more sinister going on? Actually, it's quite possible. Something we didn't see happen during the 2017 eclipse, we are seeing multitudes of states and municipalities are issuing State of Emergency orders preparing for Monday's eclipse. As of Saturday April 6th, here is a list:

Locations under a State of Emergency preparing for the 2024 Eclipse:

  • The entire states of: Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Ontario, West Virginia

  • New York Counties: Essex, Jefferson, Oswego and Wayne

  • Texas Cities: Manor, Dripping Springs, Gatesville and Killeen

  • Texas Counties: Bell, Blanco, Burnet, Kaufman Kendall, Kerr, Lampasas, Milam, Mills, Rains, Travis, and Van Zandt

Is there something going on we don't know? Possibly another False Flag event coming?

The Beginning of the End

& the Time of Sorrows

Personally, I don’t think this is the end. We have a lot of tasks and prophecies to fulfill before the Tribulation period begins. However, I do think this is the beginning of the end. We are in the Time of Sorrows. See below a list of things still to come.

We have many prophecies to fulfill and many sights yet to see
We have many prophecies to fulfill and many sights yet to see

Matthew 24:1-8 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them,

Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Time of Sorrows

This is not the end – if anything, we should look at the Blood Moon (Lunar Eclipse) in Sept 2025, or the two solar eclipses in Sept 2053 and April 2060 that will both cross over the Middle East, that are also part of the same Saros 139 & 145 Cycles as these. Though we have many prophecies to fulfill before the Tribulation period, we have never been so close to achieving all these amazing tasks and feats - exactly as they are explained years ago!

Also, I personally believe that the darkening of the sun mentioned in Revelation 8:12 is not an eclipse, but a divine act, one like we have never seen before.

1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Regardless, I urge you not to worry. If you have faith in Jesus Christ and Father God, the Holy Spirit will protect you and guide you in this world. You can only plan so far ahead, as we truly never know what to expect. I just find this information interesting, so I thought I would share.

Kingdom of Heaven

I know, I know - and I agree, when I see most mainstream Christianity, it's far from holy and often hypocritical. Nobody reads their Bible, or even thinks for themself anymore - and that is true of faith, politics, science, etc. and it's becoming a critical problem for the future of our country. We need to pay attention to what's happening around us, because it's sinister.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

1 Corinthians 13:12 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

Therefore, I ask that you take this information and use it to make the most important decision of your life, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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